From: | Jason W Neyers <> |
To: | Obligations <> |
Date: | 06/09/2019 19:42:17 UTC |
Subject: | Just Published! |
Attachments: | Goudkamp Nolan flyer.pdf |
Dear Colleagues:
Congratulations go out to James Goudkamp & Donal Nolan on the publication of their edited collection
Scholars of Tort Law
(Hart, 2019). A 20% discount is available if the directions on the attached order form are followed.
Here is the description:
The publication of
Scholars of Tort Law
marks the beginning of a long overdue rebalancing of private law scholarship. Instead of concentrating on judicial decisions and academic commentary
only for what that commentary says about judicial decisions, the book explores the contributions of scholars of tort law in their own right. The work of a selection of leading scholars of tort law from across the common law world, ranging from Thomas Cooley
(1824–1898) to Patrick Atiyah (1931–2018), is addressed by eminent current scholars in the field. The focus of the contributions is on the nature of the work produced by each of the scholars in question, important influences on their work, and the influence
which that work in turn had on thinking about tort law. The process of subjecting tort law scholarship to sustained analysis provides new insights into the intellectual development of tort law and reveals the important role played by scholars in that development.
By focusing on the work of influential tort scholars, the book serves to emphasise the importance of legal scholarship to the development of the common law more generally.
And here is the Table of Contents:
Pioneers, Consolidators and Iconoclasts: The Story
of Tort Scholarship ..................................................................................1
James Goudkamp and Donal Nolan
Thomas McIntyre Cooley (1824–1898) and Oliver Wendell Holmes
(1841–1935): The Arc of American Tort Theory .....................................43
John CP Goldberg and Benjamin C Zipursky
Professor Sir Frederick Pollock (1845–1937): Jurist as Mayfly ..................75
Robert Stevens
Professor Sir John Salmond (1862–1924): An Englishman Abroad ......... 103
Mark Lunney
Professor Francis Hermann Bohlen (1868–1942) ................................... 133
Michael D Green
Professor Sir Percy Winfield (1878–1953) ............................................... 165
Donal Nolan
Professor Leon Green (1888–1979): Word Magic and the
Regenerative Power of Law .................................................................. 203
Jenny Steele
Professor William Lloyd Prosser (1898–1972) ........................................ 229
Christopher J Robinette
Professor Fleming James Jr (1904–1981) ............................................... 259
Guido Calabresi
Professor John G Fleming (1919–1997): ‘A Sense of Fluidity’ ................. 289
Paul Mitchell
Professor Patrick Atiyah (1931–2018) .................................................... 309
James Goudkamp
Table of Contents
Mr Tony Weir (1936–2011) .................................................................. 337
Paula Giliker
Law, Fact and Process in Common Law Tort Scholarship ..................... 359
Peter Cane
Happy Reading,
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)